Friday, May 25, 2012

Well Witched

Well Witched   

Well Witched, Frances Mardinge

                                                            Lexile level: 930

Ryan loves hanging out with his friend Josh.  He is always so in control of everything.  He can get out of any jam and always knows what to do.  So when they missed the bus, instead of fessing up to their parents about where they have been spending their time, he just finds another way home.  First all they have to do is steal some coins from an old, forgotten wishing well.  After all, who's really going to miss a few tarnished coins?   The creppy, waterlogged, well witch does...and she demands payback: Now Ryan, Josh, and Chelle must serve her . . . and the wishes that lie rotting at the bottom of her well. Each takes on powers they didn't ask for and don't want. Ryan grows strange bumps—are they eyes?—between his knuckles; Chelle starts speaking the secrets of strangers, no matter how awful and bloody; and Josh can suddenly—inexplicably—grant even the darkest of wishes, the kind of wishes that should never come true.

Frances Mardinge wrote a spooky, weird fantasy that children love and are grossed out by.  Enjoy!

*teacher's note:  the story takes place in England, so beware that terms may be different than here in the States.  You can always Google if confused. 

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