Thursday, June 23, 2011

Fablehaven, #5, Keys to the Demon Prison, by Brandon Mull

      In Brandon Mull's final book, Keys to the Demon Prison, Seth and Kendra's adventures come to a conclusion.  Normally, I like to give a partial summary to tell you what the book is about.  Unfortunately, I don't think I can do this without giving away Mull's complicated conclusion to his five book series.  Instead, I will give my review of this final book.  I think one of the pitfalls to ending a series, is the author tends to throw everything into the story including the kitchen sink.  Mull falls into this trap.  He has multiple characters that have developed over the previous four books.  As the characters separate to try to prevent the Demon King from escaping the prison, Mull has to tell numerous side stories.  In parts, I found myself losing attention.  This 588 page book is about 100 pages too long in my opinion. 
       I liked the way Seth and Kendra finally come into their powers and together make a difference in the events.  Seth really becomes a favorite for me. He continues to make childish mistakes, but shows how wrongs can be set right.
      I am not sure I would search out this book- except for it shows how the fight of good and evil ends.  In the end, I find myself wanting a few more books to see how Seth and Kendra grow into their roles in the world of fantasy they live in. 

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